
Congressional Democrats tweet a push for partial jobs bill

{mosads}”#Teachers out of work through no fault of their own and #students who need a good #education are relying on us to act,” Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) wrote.

Reid also sought to justify the funding mechanism, which raises taxes on those making more than $1 million by about one half of 1 percent.

“The bill won’t add a dime to the deficit. It asks the wealthiest Americans 2 contribute a tiny fraction more to help our #economy,” Reid wrote.

Others were more explicit in calling out Republicans. Not one Senate Republican voted for the full American Jobs Act when it failed a Senate vote 50-49 last Tuesday. Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) missed the vote while undergoing treatment for prostate cancer.

“Choice time for #GOP: back tax breaks for millionaires, billionaires or keep #cops, #firefighters and #teachers on the #job?” Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) wrote

Democrats have been using social media throughout their push for the bill, creating #JobsNow and #PassThisBill hashtags to build support. Last week, the White House tweeted the stories of Americans who could be directly affected by passing the plan.

Reid hopes to bring up the bill this week, but the Senate must finish work on an appropriations bill first.