From the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette – Originally published Tuesday, Dec. 2

… [J]ust as Americans were after 9/11, the Indians are looking for revenge for [last week’s terrorist] attack. In the case of India, the Mumbai massacre comes against a long background of sometimes violent differences with neighboring Pakistan that date to 1947. …

[On Monday], Indian foreign ministry officials told Pakistan’s ambassador that Pakistanis were responsible for the attacks and that “strong action would be taken” against those behind the killings. Pakistan’s leaders have said they are not aware the attackers had any links to Pakistan-based militant groups.

The United States, which has good relations with both countries and a strong interest in peace in South Asia, must offer sympathy based on America’s own experience of terrorism and pour soothing balm on the wounds and oil on the troubled waters.

Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice will visit the region and President George W. Bush has been on the phone to the prime ministers of both countries. The tragedy of Mumbai must not be allowed to serve as a stimulus to a much more expanded conflict between India and Pakistan.