
What do young Americans think about politics? LOL, not much

Next week is graduation at my university, and high schools will be holding commencement ceremonies over the next month. While speakers will implore seniors to “make a difference in the world” and “give back,” almost none of these student will take this to mean running for office. New research on U.S. high school and college students demonstrates the dire state of a life in politics. In short, the future looks bleak for future generations of officeholders, and maybe even for the democracy.

Jennifer L. Lawless and Richard L. Fox, in Running from Office: Why Young Americans Are Turned Off to Politics, conducted surveys of over 4,000 younger Americans. What they find is that their respondents rarely think, talk or consider politics. While many seem to care about the world, this infrequently translates to running for office or aspirations to work in politics. Consider:

While these figures are shocking, perhaps they’re not surprising. The research, though, is even more eye-opening when these attitudes are connected to other behaviors. Politics has a tiny part to play in the daily lives of younger Americans.

Interestingly, these findings hold for the most part across racial and gender lines. While truly damning, there are some hopeful dimensions of the research. Lawless and Fox find that younger Americans who:

High schools and colleges can require more students to take courses in government and can stimulate debates about politics with special events and speakers, and parents can lead discussions of current events. All of this would likely encourage more students to consider running for office, but many will be frustrated by the aspects of politics that drive all Americans away. Less corruption, less money in politics and less dysfunction may be merely the wishful thinking of commencement speakers, but each should be a part of a serious conversation about how to bring younger Americans back into the political fold.

Brown is assistant professor of public policy at John Jay College of Criminal Justice, City University of New York, and the author of the forthcoming Tea Party Divided: The Hidden Diversity in a Maturing Movement (Praeger, 2015).