The Administration

The Skunk at Obama’s Lawn Party

As we get ready to begin a new administration, one important rule for Democrats: Remember, it’s not necessary to agree with Barack Obama on every issue.

Good thing! Because there’s no way I could agree with Obama’s inviting pastor Rick Warren to give the invocation at his Inaugural.

Obama says his decision is just one more way to show how “inclusive” he is. But why throw a bone to his enemies — at his Inauguration, of all places? Most evangelicals campaigned against Barack Obama this year. They’re not going to like him any better just because Warren’s on the platform.

And besides, while Rick Warren’s more progressive than most evangelicals — he’s a leader on global warming, for example — he’s still wrong on other important issues.

Warren is strongly pro-life. The Democratic Party is officially pro-choice. So what’s an anti-choice preacher doing up there with a Democratic president?

Not only that, Rick Warren supported California’s Proposition 8, which Barack Obama opposed. The Democratic Party is officially pro-gay rights. Again, what’s an anti-gay preacher doing up there with a Democratic president?

Rick Warren has no business giving the invocation at Obama’s Inauguration. Obama wouldn’t invite a white supremacist preacher. He shouldn’t invite an anti-choice, anti-gay, anti-evolution preacher, either.

Barack Obama’s made a lot of brilliant moves so far. But chalk this one up as his first big mistake.

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