The Administration

Hysteria over Blair House

The national media have been obsessed over the alleged “snub” of the Obamas by President Bush. Despite the fact that this has been one of the most seamless transitions in American history, one with unprecedented cooperation between the outgoing and incoming administrations, the Obamas apparently felt neglected and left out in the cold.

You see, the Obamas wanted to move their family into the president’s guest house, called Blair House, which is just across Pennsylvania Avenue from the White House. The Obamas wanted to move in on Jan. 2 to allow their children to start the school year. Overlooked by the media, of course, is the tradition of the new president-elect and his family moving into Blair House on Jan. 15. When the Obamas were told that the house was committed for a series of private events until the 15th, the media howled and claimed the Obamas were somehow being treated in a discourteous manner.

The worst of this drivel comes from Washington socialite Sally Quinn. Writing in today’s Washington Post, Quinn sniffs that Bush is clinging to power and that holding onto Blair House demonstrates the unwillingness of the Bushes to let go. The stupidity offered by Ms. Quinn is offensive. If she knew anything about the person she was talking about (she doesn’t), she would know that George and Laura Bush are two of the most polite and courteous people and would never put their interests above someone else’s when it comes to manners and protocol.

Consider the following drivel from Ms. Quinn’s asinine column this morning: “The unavailability of Blair House means that the Obamas will have to move three times in three weeks, adding an additional disruption for two young girls already in an incredibly pressured situation. Not only that, but the expense of staying at the Hay-Adams Hotel was considerable, as was the added expense and trouble of having to secure the hotel and its environs by the Secret Service.” Well, let’s see. Now the disruption of two young girls who are already in a pressured situation is the fault of … George W. Bush? How about the fact that the young girls’ mother and father decided that Obama would seek elective office and that might disrupt their lives if he won?

How about the expense of living at the Hay-Adams Hotel was considerable? The Obamas are millionaires — they sought the presidency and he won. Now they have been inconvenienced because the president of the United States traditionally offers use of Blair House on Jan. 15 and Obama didn’t get his way by asking to move in early? This is beyond idiotic.

Let me make this prediction: If Obama fails to win reelection in four years, I will bet the farm that he will not allow the next president to move into Blair House prior to Jan. 15. Of course, blowhards like Ms. Quinn will tell us, should that happen, that that’s well within President Obama’s rights and besides, that’s the date the president and his family traditionally move into Blair House.

Enough, already.