
Just Asking: Top 10 Things I Occasionally Think About

10. Do Democratic primary voters really want candidates like John Edwards and Barack Obama who speak fondly of the Great Society? In a word: yes.

9. Why do we demand from government absolute security against terrorism but are so tolerant about other government negligence that can also result in random harm, such as the broken steam pipe that resulted in injury and death in New York City? Mayor Bloomberg pays no price for failing to maintain an aging and dangerous infrastructure, but would be heavily criticized if the damage were done by terrorists.

8. Isn’t it a risky strategy for a candidate’s wife, Elizabeth Edwards, to attack another candidate, Hillary Rodham Clinton? Can’t John Edwards do his own attacking?  

7. Should we blame Sen. Clinton if she is bewildered by being labeled insufficiently feminist? The Democratic Party marches ever leftward.

6. Isn’t it disappointing that the Internet, which was once thought to be the enemy of totalitarianism for its ability to shine a bright light on corrupt governments, has instead become, according to The Economist, the major way to encourage terrorist activity through enhanced communications and propaganda distribution?

5. If the Rolling Stones are the greatest performing band of all time, who is No. 2? Is anyone else even close?

4. How is it that the lawyer who leaked grand jury testimony about Barry Bonds using steroids is sentenced to 30 months in prison, but Barry Bonds, who admitted to actually using steroids, will likely get off scot-free?

3. Does it strike you as a coincidence that two under-reported stories, the rapid fall in
the federal deficit due to economic growth and the shutdown of North Korea’s nuclear reactors, are also major achievements of the Bush administration?

2. How can any responsible media outlet give any airtime at all to Larry Flynt and his “investigators”?

1. Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) reminds me why I like libertarianism, but not most libertarians.