Presidential Campaign

Crooked Hillary skates again as America reaches the crossroads

“Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me.”

In the words of Donald J. Trump, “This election will determine whether we are a free nation or whether we have only the illusion of democracy, but are in fact controlled by a small handful of global special interests rigging the system, and our system is rigged … Our great civilization has come upon a moment of reckoning.”

{mosads}We stand at the crossroads of our nation’s future, and tomorrow on November 8th Americans will cast their vote choosing our nation’s path. This proverbial fork in the road has two starkly different paths. 

The path to left, represented by Hillary Clinton, would be a continuation of President Barack Obama’s failed policies and the globalists’ agenda, whereby the super rich get even richer, the middle class continues to decline, and the lower class sink further in the quicksand of poverty. This path to the left would only embolden the global special interests who have bought and paid for Hillary’s candidacy, and who would now seek ‘payback’.

Conversely, the path to the right, represented by Donald Trump, would be a presidency free from global special interests with a focus on returning real prosperity to all Americans, not just the illusion of economic prosperity. This path to the right is about securing America and putting our nation, its Constitution, and Bill of Rights front and center.

Throughout this presidential campaign I have thought about what a Hillary Clinton presidency might look like, and I realized the answer to this question lies in Clinton’s actions, not words. Dems are hoping voters have forgotten what occurred when the Clintons were in the White House from 1993 – 2001, but I certainly have not.

In 1993, President Bill Clinton gave Hillary an opportunity to attempt healthcare reform, and to this regard she failed miserably. Even Democrats did not unite around Hillary’s health care plan and instead offered competing plans of their own. One year later, after millions of dollars were spent, ‘HillaryCare’ was declared dead.

Despite her colossal failure in the 90s, Hillary laid claim to ObamaCare declaring, “It was called HillaryCare before it was called ObamaCare.” A statement she would come to regret when embarrassingly her husband states, “So you’ve got this crazy system where all of a sudden 25 million more people have healthcare and then the people who are out there busting it, sometimes 60 hours a week, wind up with their premiums doubled and their coverage cut in half. It’s the craziest thing in the world.”

Next we have the 1994 Whitewater investigation into Bill and Hillary’s real estate investments. Although the investigation revealed fraud, obstruction of justice and abuse of power, the Clinton’s got away with it. The investigation centered on Whitewater Development, a venture heavily subsidized by Clinton friend Jim McDougal, and the probe widened into the Madison Savings and Loan scandal that cost investors millions in losses.

On June 2, 1996 in an article, “Hillary Clinton and the Whitewater Controversy: A Close-Up”, the Washington Post reports, “It is an undisputed fact that Hillary Clinton became the billing partner for Rose Law Firm in its representation of James McDougal and Madison Guaranty on April 23, 1985… Rose billing records show she [Hillary Clinton] began charging hours to the account that day … Did she in any way take advantage of her position as a powerful lawyer and wife of the governor?”    

And, in 1998 the Washington Post reports that Hillary Clinton sought to destroy evidence, “Witnesses from the Rose Law Firm say Hillary Clinton requested the destruction of Madison land contract files.”

Fast forward to 2015, and we hear Hillary’s snide remark when asked by a reporter if she had her private email server wiped clean to destroy evidence; Hillary responds, “Like with a cloth or something?“  

Perhaps the most memorable Clinton White House controversy was the 1998 Monica Lewinsky “Sexgate” investigation. This cost Bill his license to practice law with impeachment charges on perjury and obstruction of justice, and despite the evidence Hillary attacked Monica calling her a “narcissistic loony toon.”

The last time the Clinton’s were in the White House, America spent years with Special Prosecutors investigating the Whitewater scandal, Lewinsky-Sexgate, and the White House FBI files controversy and travel office, “Travelgate,” fraud. In each instance, the Clinton’s were accused of obstruction of justice and lying. 

Sound familiar?

And now we come to Hillary’s most recent actions of obstruction of justice and lying. The controversy surrounding Hillary’s private server and breach of national security only came to light as a result of the House Select Committee on Benghazi investigation. 

Despite the mainstream media’s criticism of the Benghazi investigation, it rightly revealed that Hillary was derelict in her duty to protect American lives, and shed light on the lies she fed to the American people. Hillary’s response to all of this was to obfuscate the truth and destroy evidence.

Given the mountain of evidence demonstrating Hillary Clinton’s recent violations of U.S. law, I can only hope that FBI Director James Comey’s recent letter to Congress standing by his earlier decision in July will not be the last word we will hear from the FBI.

After all, Comey knows the Clintons better than anyone having been the Deputy Special Counsel to the Senate Whitewater Committee, and lead investigator into President Bill Clinton’s controversial pardon of Marc Rich.

Despite it all, I still have faith in the honorable men and women of the FBI and their willingness to pursue justice. So I respectfully ask the good men and women of the FBI this question; will you ensure that the rule of law is equally applied to all its citizens?  

Stephanie M. Jason is a frequent contributor to The Hill, and a Donald Trump supporter.


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