Presidential Campaign

What a Long, Strange Trip This Continues to Be

The beat goes on.

Hillary Clinton had a great time on Jay Leno’s show last night, joking about the sniper fire lie she told recently, and of course retold. It took a lot to get her to admit it was fabricated, but at least that funny old fib came in handy for a laugh on Leno’s couch.

Then yesterday she told us that there is no such thing as a pledged delegate. “That’s a misnomer,” she declared, and she is particularly talented at declarations, if you haven’t noticed.

It gets better. She also — on the heels of the Tuzla tall tale — borrowed an anecdote from Ronald Reagan without giving the Gipper the credit. Check this out. Yep, that would be the same “plagiarizing” she has accused Barack Obama of. And of all people, to borrow from that Reagan, whom no Democrat should ever be allowed to credit with anything. WOW.

In my column this week, I noted how comfortable Clinton is with untruths. From Tuzla to Michigan to Florida, this long strange trip we’ve been on with the Clintons has taught us something. There is HillaryLand and then there is the other universe the rest of live in.