Presidential Campaign

Bad Move for Hillary?

Last night, as Barack Obama’s night — clinching the nomination of his party and making history as the first African-American of either party to do so — turned into a breathless discussion of whether he must choose Hillary Clinton as vice president, Marc Ambinder of The Atlantic reported that there is a connection between the Clinton campaign and those pushing a “dream ticket.” The story said the two founders of VoteBoth, former Clinton aides, believe their effort was “quietly blessed” by none other than Clinton campaign manager Maggie Williams. Williams reportedly called to check on the effort, and her encouragement led the two founders to conclude that the Clintons themselves supported it.

Now fellow Pundits Blogger Lanny Davis is petitioning Obama, on a website called, to choose Clinton as his vice presidential nominee. But not all of Clinton’s allies think this is a wise strategy. Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell said today he thinks it is a mistake for Clinton to appear to be leveraging the job of vice president.

“You don’t bargain with the presidential nominee. Even if you are Hillary Clinton and have 18 million votes, you don’t bargain,” said Rendell.

Is Obama damned if he picks her and damned if he doesn’t? Should Clinton make demands, or wait in silence?

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