Presidential Campaign

President Petraeus?

The Republicans’ prospects for 2012 are pretty grim. A new Rasmussen poll shows that 55 percent of them think the party should become more like Sarah Palin. Her star continues to shine brightly in Republican circles, while most of the country doesn’t take her seriously.

Someone who may see a 2012 opening is Gen. David Petraeus — who, I’ve read, sees President Petraeus when he looks in the mirror. Petraeus is reportedly pressuring Obama on his commitment to withdraw troops from Iraq. On Jan. 21, after a meeting with Obama, the general looked “visibly unhappy when he left the Oval Office.”

Petraeus would have a great shot at the Republican nomination. Especially against 2008 rehash like Palin, Romney or Huckabee. Obama shouldn’t count on him to stay long in his administration.
