NBC should fire Donald Trump for the same reason I have suggested Fox
News should remove Sarah Palin, Mike Huckabee and any other candidate or
potential candidate. I think it is disgraceful for NBC to promote
Trump’s show to make money for NBC while Trump uses NBC to promote his
candidacy and make money for himself.
However, since the media appear to be wholly corrupt and incestuous,
let me make the counterproposal that NBC, CNBC and MSNBC should give Ron
Paul his own show, as they give Trump his.
Ron Paul’s ratings, given a cable show, would be huge. Far more than any
show on MSNBC and probably more than most shows on Fox! Paul has
millions of devoted supporters who would surely watch the Ron Paul show.
It would be a ratings smash! I mean this literally. It would be.
Moreover, Dr. Paul could use his show to discuss very serious issues, such as the lack of disclosure of trillions of dollars of bailout money, the use of bailout money to bail out foreign banks at U.S. taxpayer expense and the cost to the taxpayers of military ventures abroad.
I am not agreeing with Paul’s views. At times I do; often I do not. But think about it: Imagine a cable news show that would actually talk about serious matters, in serious ways, which would be a ratings blockbuster!
Regarding presidential politics, I predict unequivocally that the beautifully coiffured and formerly bankrupt Trump will never, under any circumstances, run for president. He will never, in a million years, file the financial disclosure forms required of a potential president. You heard it here.
As for Dr. Paul, his financial haul in the last quarter was huge, in the range of $3 million, more than Mitt Romney. If he runs for president, which now seems more likely, he could well be one of the three Republican finalists while the bouffant birther and former bankrupt will ultimately stick to firing wannabes on television, unless he implodes, as Glenn Beck did, and is fired first.
If NBC insists on continuing its promotion of Trump on the public airwaves, there would far higher ratings, with far more viewers, and far greater profits, if NBC would also give Dr. Paul a show of his own. Serious libertarians and conservatives would flock to a serious show discussing serious matters in a serious way. Judging by Dr. Paul’s large grassroots army, the show would be a ratings smash.