Why is Meghan McCain on TV?

The spawn of Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) is doing
herself, her father and the GOP no favors. On ABC’s “This Week” on
Sunday, the 26-year-old Meghan McCain (R-or-D, of absolutely nothing) tore into
Delaware’s GOP Senate nominee, Christine O’Donnell, sharing with a national television
audience that “in my group of friends, it turns people off because she’s
seen as a nut-job.” In truth, many Republicans share that view, which
should not come as a surprise to anyone. But why is it that we are listening to
a 26-year-old with no political or professional accomplishments of her own? Her
book Dirty, Sexy Politics would not be
possible were it not for her good luck of being the daughter of John McCain.

Meghan McCain is certainly entitled to her own opinion, but for a major network
like ABC to be providing this forum for her should raise questions, along with
eyebrows. The Sunday morning shows have historically and traditionally been
reserved for serious, experienced, proven political and policy experts and journalists
with credibility whom viewers can trust. Please tell us why the musings of a
young woman with no accomplishments or experience of her own, other than
sitting on the Straight Talk Express between her parents, warrants a spot
on the serious political news shows.
“I speak as a 26-year-old woman, and my problem is that, no matter what,
Christine O’Donnell is making a mockery of running for public office,”
McCain said. “She has no real history, no real success in any kind of
business.” McCain said O’Donnell’s lack of experience is a problem
and that “one day you can just wake and run for Senate, no matter how
[much of] a lack of experience you have.”
Really??? Pot — meet kettle.
Meghan McCain has never held a job and is sitting at the table on Sunday morning
with the serious grown-ups, slamming O’Donnell for not having enough job
experience.  I guess you could say
Meghan has no real history, not real success in any kind of business and that
it’s a bit of a problem when one day you can just wake up and find yourself on
“This Week” chatting as an “equal” with Christiane
Amanpour, George Will, et al. Is ABC doing this for ratings? Is it to
invite gawkers? Or is it to try to paint the entire GOP with such silliness and
make America believe silly young things represent the entire party? 
Now that ABC has elevated Meghan McCain to the level of Cabinet secretaries, senators
(including her father), heads of state and respected journalists, will they
next Sunday book the inexperienced son or daughter of some other
national politician making a name for themselves off a parent’s
career and let them represent the Democratic Party, slamming a Democrat
running for office?
I’m not even blaming Meghan McCain for this. It’s the networks that provide her
with such a huge megaphone and (formerly) credible platform that should be
taken to task for this charade.

Tags John McCain

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