Among the “tough” questions he lobbed at the Big Talker:
“You have now taken to calling Mr. Obama the man-child president. What does that mean?”
Or: “This week it will be one year since Barack Obama was elected president. In that time, what has he done for and to the country?”
And then there was this shocker: “I think you’re a great broadcaster. How can you possibly be worth that kind of money?”
At which point, you expected Wallace suddenly to end the interview, ask Rush for his autograph, and give him a big hug.
But, to be fair, we can’t be too hard on Chris Wallace. He was only following orders. Since Fox News is the official Republican Party Network, and since Rush Limbaugh is the head of the Republican Party, of course he was going to get special treatment on Fox.
After all, you wouldn’t expect the official Vatican newspaper to say anything critical about the pope, would you?
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