Look, I am a big fan of Keith Olbermann, Rachel Maddow and especially Ed Schultz, who is nothing short of journalistically heroic in his steadfast support for the public option.
But opinions are opinions, and facts are facts, and even by the low standards of right-wing hyper-partisanship there seems to be a truly delusional aspect to what is left of conservative thought when such bizarre and ridiculous misstatements of fact are made, as Armstrong does about Olbermann, regarding ratings.
Under 200,000 viewers on his best day? Excuse me? Is such delusion the result of a stimulating intoxicant, a particularly strong beverage, some new weed discovered in the Amazon, a secret visit to another planet?
I don’t care if Armstrong Williams attacks Keith Olbermann. In fact, I don’t care what Armstrong Williams thinks about Keith Olbermann. I do care about facts and truth and delusion. I do care about a partisanship and ideology so extreme and uncontrollable that some on the right feel compelled to say anything, at any time, without regard to facts.
Two hundred thousand on his best day? Give me a break.
Death panels to kill senior citizens?
The president wasn’t born in the U.S.?
The president hates white people?
Pictures of the president looking like Adolf Hitler?
Posters that healthcare should be dead like Kennedy?
As Butch asked Sundance: Who are these guys? And where do Republicans find them?