OPINION | O’Reilly: Kathy Griffin’s distasteful act reflects media’s war on Trump

It was not really surprising to see comedian Kathy Griffin put out a video of herself holding the bloody, decapitated head of President Trump. This is not surprising because Ms. Griffin apparently lives in a bubble populated by ideological fanatics, some of whom really do wish violence on the president.

In entertainment circles, it is now commonplace to demean Donald Trump in almost barbaric ways. It’s a nasty business and business is good. Stephen Colbert has gone from worst to first in the late night ratings by eviscerating President Trump daily. The cable news programs that also do this have seen their audiences grow as well. Many Trump haters have an addiction and their habits need to be fed. That man standing under the street lamp signaling cars to pull over may be Colbert.

{mosads}So, Ms. Griffin must have been stunned when outrage came her way. It is clear from the video of her putting together the beheading exposition that she was fully engaged in her presentation and had no qualms about doing it. But almost immediately after she dropped the grotesque image on the net,  she began to get hammered on social media. Presto, she had an epiphany. She made a terrible mistake, she said. The video was not funny. She asked for forgiveness.

Shortly after the contrition, CNN fired Kathy Griffin from its New Year’s Eve coverage but gave the story little airtime. Speculation about Russia compromising the Trump campaign drives CNN’s news agenda, and there is little room for anything else.

I know Kathy Griffin a little; her mom is a fan of mine, and I signed a few things for her. I sincerely hope Ms. Griffin’s career does not sustain more damage. I take her apology to be sincere. The comedian was just pandering to the folks with whom she hangs.

But all Americans should understand that the demonization of Donald Trump by the left-wing national media has desensitized folks like Ms. Griffin to the point where right and wrong is not even considered anymore.

The anti-Trump media is now the mob holding torches while marching up to Frankenstein’s castle; it is Steven Spielberg’s vicious shark attacking at will.

In my 42 year journalism career, I have never seen anything like it. Compared to Trump, Richard Nixon was treated like Beyoncé.

It all has to do with revenge. The progressive left feels betrayed by the American people who rejected Hillary Clinton and voted Trump into office. So they are going to destroy Trump’s presidency and delegitimize him as a human being in full view of the people who like him. He’s evil, and if you support him — you’re evil too. Thus, the anti-Trump media believes it is justified in bringing harm to the president. It’s for the greater good, you know. We need to send a message.

Of course that rationalization is off-the-chart dangerous.

As stated, it is more than likely that Kathy Griffin believed she would be pleasing her audience while bringing attention to herself. I don’t believe Ms. Griffin’s remake of Peckinpah’s “Bring Me the Head of Alfredo Garcia” will have any lasting effect or even wise anybody up. But she certainly got the attention.

The brutal truth is that we have become a hateful nation with the media leading the way. There is big money to be made in the destruction industry and few restraints in place. How many news organizations do you think are seeking the truth about President Trump? How many?

The answer may be zero. It is much easier and more profitable to put a cable news panel together and kick the hell out of the man, or run five “Trump is a  jerk” op-eds a day in the paper.

Donald Trump may not fully understand the destructive forces arrayed against him but, if he wants to succeed as president, he should listen up. There is blood in the water and truth doesn’t matter. The anti-Trump media not only wants Trump’s head, but the scalps of those who dare to even give him a fair shake. In many newsrooms, anyone supporting Trump risks unemployment.

So, like a modern day Salome, Kathy Griffin has served up an image that is stark and offensive but also may be prophetic. The president better take heed or risk the symbolic fate of John the Baptist.  

There are no boundaries anymore.

Bill O’Reilly is the former host of “The O’Reilly Factor” on Fox News and is the author of “Old School: Life in the Sane Lane,” and “Killing the Rising Sun.”

The views expressed by contributors are their own and not the views of The Hill. 

Tags Donald Trump Donald Trump Hillary Clinton Kathy Griffin Legal affairs of Donald Trump Mainstream media Political views of Bill O'Reilly

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