
Media’s contribution to the degeneration of society

Many have noted that are our society is in decline. Many, including
President Obama, bristle at that notion, but an honest appraisal of the
situation would certainly demonstrate otherwise.

There was a time
when every program that ended on TV was punctuated by the seal of good
practice. This meant that there was uplifting and moral content in the
programming. That disappeared decades ago. There is no longer any
attempt to elevate the thinking of American society.

In fact, the
media seems engaged in an attempt to neutralize morality and to impose
“Hollywood Morality.” In Hollywood it is quite acceptable to swap wives
and have multiple marriage partners and multiple sexual partners outside
of marriage. Drug culture is glorified. Excessive spending is idolized
by that group, while demonizing the same spending by the Wall Street

{mosads}Unfortunately, the mainstream news media has joined in with the entertainment media to destroy the moral fiber of our nation. They are, however, doing it unwittingly, simply desiring to be popular and failing to realize the destructive nature of their folly.

It is not too late for reclaiming the tenets of faith and morality that propelled this nation to the pinnacle of success in record time. It is not too late, in fact, to be one nation under God. Unfortunately, unless we have appropriate leadership, this will not occur and we will continue the inexorable decline that has characterized every other pinnacle nation before us.