The Juan Williams affair

I listen to National Public Radio all the time.

It has great programs. “Car Talk” is hilarious. So is “Wait, Wait, Don’t Tell

I learn a lot from Warren Olney’s program, “To the Point.” I also listen
religiously to “Marketplace,” with Kai Ryssdal.

NPR has a bit of a slant on occasion, and many of its programs are a complete
waste of time. But if you wade through the stupid stuff, you can get some
excellent entertainment.

There are times when I actually try to get a red light as I am driving my car,
so I can continue to listen to a show.

This week, NPR is doing another one of its fundraising drives. Despite its many
excellent programs, NPR gets much of its funding from the generous support of
its listeners. It really makes no sense, because many of NPR’s programs could
easily survive on either a subscription basis or with ad revenue.

NPR is supported by the taxpayers, to a limited extent. It gets funding from
the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, and because it is a nonprofit, it gets
on its high horse about securing funding from traditional advertising revenue. But
at the same time, it seems like some corporate sponsor is getting credit for
giving money to the network.

It is all very confusing.

The other thing that has been confusing for me is the role of Juan Williams. Williams
is most famously known as the liberal foil on the Fox News Channel. He has long
been identified by his association with NPR because he had his own show there
once. For the last couple of years, Williams has had a more of contributor
relationship with the network, mostly because he spends much of his time on

NPR decided to finally sever that relationship with Williams because he had the
temerity to speak the truth. He said that he gets nervous when he gets on a
plane and sees fellow passengers dressed up in Muslim garb. Here is his exact
quote: “I mean, look, Bill, I’m not a bigot. You know the kind of books
I’ve written about the civil rights movement in this country. But when I get on
a plane, I’ve got to tell you, if I see people who are in Muslim garb and I
think, you know, they’re identifying themselves first and foremost as Muslims,
I get worried. I get nervous.”

Umm, will the first non-Muslim who doesn’t get a bit nervous when he or she
sees a Muslim board their plane please raise their hand?

NPR stepped in it on this one. It was clear that they were getting tired of
Williams for a variety of reasons, and that this might have been the last
straw. But they picked exactly the wrong reason to fire Williams. Sure, he was
expressing his opinion. But isn’t that what journalism has become? A bunch of
different opinions masquerading as fact?

Journalism is going through an interesting change. More and more print
journalists are appearing on cable television every day, mostly to give their
new organizations a higher profile, on the assumption that it will help
increase readership.

The theory goes that the more a reporter appears on television, the more famous
that reporter becomes, and the more famous a reporter becomes, the more people
are going to want to read what the reporter writes. That is the theory, and it
is happening all over the place.

And many of these programs, these reporters are not asked merely to report the
facts. They are asked to give their opinions. Some of those opinions reveal the
ideological biases of the reporters themselves. Just think for a moment about
how the media treated Christine O’Donnell’s response to an inquiry about the
separation of church and state in the First Amendment. What O’Donnell said was
factually accurate. There is no mention of the separation of church and state
in the Constitution. Nowhere is that phrase mentioned. In fact, you can’t even
find the word church in the

But O’Donnell was portrayed as a complete moron for making a factually accurate
statement. That is the bias of today’s news media.

Not one reporter, as far as I know, acknowledged that O’Donnell was factually
accurate in her statement. They focused mostly on the idea that she is an

I digress on this because I think it is important to understand that the media
can’t hold itself up as a paragon of objective virtue and then drive news
stories that expose its own personal biases. NPR can’t say that Juan Williams
broke the code of the reporter when most of its reporters lean way far to the
left and expose that bias on a daily basis.

NPR has great programming that can easily survive in the radio marketplace. But
it also has a lot of other programming that is better left in the world of Internet
radio, to be heard only by friends and family.

NPR gets 1 percent of its funding from the taxpayers, for no apparent reason,
as far as I can tell. It would nice if that money could go to something else,
like paying for the college tuition of a couple hundred of our brave servicemen
fighting in Afghanistan or something.

If NPR wants to fire Juan Williams for saying something that just about
everybody agrees with, that is fine and dandy. Just have them do it with
somebody else’s money.



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