Lawmaker News

Woeful Democratic Leadership

Obviously, Democrats have tried to pass legislation to bring our troops home and effectively end the war. However, because of the president’s power of the pen, the party in power has been rendered essentially powerless. So although they like to blame the GOP for stopping their efforts, Democrats should only blame themselves for failing to work in a bipartisan manner. Had they proposed sensible legislation on the war, Republican lawmakers would have been more than happy to join hands with their colleagues across the aisle.

If you don’t believe me, just check the numbers. President Bush’s approval ratings have been holding steady in the low 30s for a while now, so being offered a way out from Bush’s hole would be a gift for most Republicans looking to be reelected.

The fact is that the Democrats are struggling, and it should come as no surprise to anyone. Their leadership is disliked by the majority of Americans, GOP members and even congressional Democrats. Party members are torn over how to fix the mess in Iraq, and legislation coming from the left has left much to be desired. Furthermore, liberal groups like are doing nothing to help their political party of choice by purchasing ads in The New York Times that question Gen. Petraeus’s integrity.