Lawmaker News

The Greatest of Senators

A lot of big political news today, with Clinton’s big win in Kentucky and Obama’s big win in Oregon. Good news for both candidates.

But the good political news is overshadowed by the bad: word from Boston that Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.) has an inoperable and malignant brain tumor.

Kennedy has already left the hospital to continue his recovery, so it’s certainly too early to write his obituary. But it’s not too early to salute a spectacular career in public service.

Kennedy has long been the best and greatest of all senators of either party. He’s the toughest fighter of them all. He’s the best orator of them all. And, where too many Democrats often waiver, Kennedy is consistent, in season and out of season. A proud liberal, champion especially of the poor, the downtrodden, and the dispossessed. Nobody’s been a stronger voice against the war, for working Americans, or for universal healthcare.

And nobody held the Kennedy family together through so much pain and sorrow: the loss of one brother, the senseless murder of two others, tragic accidents that took the lives of two nephews. And now Ted Kennedy has his own cross to bear.

In an age of medical miracles, we can only hope and pray for one more: that the Old Lion Ted Kennedy will soon return to his duties in the U.S. Senate. We need him now, more than ever.

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