Energy & Environment

Contacting Brazilian Ambassador: Do Not Cancel Live Earth Concert

A lower court in Brazil has decided to cancel the Live Earth Concert in Rio because 700,000 Brazilians are planning to attend and the court believes the government of Brazil cannot ensure the safety of the attendees.

This morning I am writing to the Brazilian ambassador to the U.S. urging that the concert proceed. Surely the government of Brazil is very capable of making security arrangements for an event that was long planned.

I am urging concerned Americans to contact the Brazilian Embassy in Washington in support of this concert. For those who do, please be respectful, professional and courteous, but make it clear that Brazil should always act as one of the world’s greatest democracies, and a friend to America and those who act to protect the earth. 

I am also contacting representatives of several Democratic presidential candidates and Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), urging them to speak out as well.

Live Earth embodies a worldwide union of good and decent people who care deeply about the future of the planet, and we in America stand side by side with our friends in Brazil.