Economy & Budget

GOP Political Suicide

Some call it nothing but a big spending bill. But there’s some good stuff in the stimulus package, including:

• $116 billion in tax cuts for middle-class Americans

• $21 billion for alternative energy projects, to free us from fossil fuels

• $28 billion for construction jobs, rebuilding highways and bridges

• $17 billion to build electronic healthcare systems, so doctors and hospitals can better coordinate patient care

• $54 billion to help states and cities save jobs for cops, firefighters, teachers and nurses

A lot of good stuff. A lot of very vital stuff that will get this economy moving again — and provide relief to hard-hit families in the meantime.

And here’s what’s unbelievable: That giant, necessary economic recovery plan passed the House with not one single Republican vote.

Which means: When the economy does turn around, Republicans won’t be able to take any credit for it. House Minority Leader John Boehner (Ohio) and Minority Whip Eric Cantor (Va.) led Republicans off the cliff, and clueless Republicans gleefully followed.

What a bone-headed move. They’re the minority party today. They’ll be even more of a minority party in 2010.

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