In The Know

OJ Simpson, Nicole Brown files released by FBI

(NewsNation) — The FBI has released 475 pages of documents related to O.J. Simpson and the deaths of Nicole Brown and Ron Goldman. Scroll to the bottom of this page to read the entire file.

The documents show investigative work conducted by the agency into the football star after he was accused of murdering his ex-wife and her friend.

While Simpson, who died this year, was acquitted in the two deaths, there has been continued speculation about his involvement. Brown, his ex-wife, and Goldman, a friend of Brown’s, were found dead at Brown’s home in Brentwood, California.

Some of the documents detail investigators’ efforts to track the purchase of a pair of size 12 Bruno Magli shoes, prints of which were found at the crime scene. Simpson denied wearing the high-end shoes at trial despite photographs showing him wearing them.

O.J. Simpson and Nicole Brown

Brown met Simpson when she was just 18 and the former football star 30. The couple were married for seven years and had two children together, but Brown disclosed incidents of abuse to friends and family.

In addition to emotional abuse and threats, Brown said Simpson was physically abusive. At one point, police were called to the couple’s home and found Brown beaten and half-naked outside.

The couple separated, and Brown recounted more incidents of violence during an attempted reconciliation, with one recorded 911 call capturing Simpson shouting angrily at her as she told the dispatcher she feared he would hurt her.

In 1994, after the couple divorced, Brown and Goldman were found dead outside her home. Goldman had been returning her reading glasses the night of the killings. The pair were found stabbed to death shortly after midnight.

Trial of O.J. Simpson

The case against O.J. Simpson became a media circus as Judge Lance Ito allowed cameras in the courtroom, broadcasting the proceedings to the entire nation.

Key evidence against Simpson included blood on his socks, hair from Brown’s dog found on a pair of black leather gloves and prints from a pair of Bruno Magli shoes, a brand Simpson had been seen wearing in photos.

DNA evidence was new at the time and the jury struggled to understand it. Simpson’s defense team cast doubt on the case by suggesting the evidence had been tampered with and introducing evidence that two LAPD officers at the scene had racist beliefs.

Simpson was acquitted in a divisive verdict, with reactions split largely along racial lines.

Lingering suspicions of guilt

After being acquitted in the criminal case, Simpson was found liable in a civil case brought by Brown and Goldman’s families a few years later.

He also wrote a book titled “If I Did It,” which laid out how he would have hypothetically killed the pair. A judge granted proceeds from the book to the Goldman family after another legal proceeding.

Simpson also faced other legal trouble over the years related to drugs and the theft of sports memorabilia in Las Vegas. He died of cancer at the age of 76.

Read the full documents here: