
Rubio: US should keep trade embargo on Cuba

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) said the U.S. should not end a trade embargo on Cuba.

“I am concerned that U.S. officials reportedly met with Cuban representatives in Bali to discuss the U.S. trade embargo on Cuba,” Rubio said during the weekend. “There should be no question that the U.S. will not end the trade embargo until the Castro regime releases its political prisoners and holds free and fair elections.”

{mosads}Rubio’s remarks came after the World Trade Organization’s negotiations took place in Bali. He said expanding free trade is critical to job creation in America, but not when it comes to Cuba.

Some Democrats have pointed out that the trade embargo against Cuba hasn’t worked for nearly 50 years. Some argue that the embargo only harms U.S. businesses and farmers and the Cuban people, who have little access to U.S. goods.

Rubio’s parents fled Cuba in the 1950s and came to the United States.

Rubio also said the U.S. should be doing more to establish regional trade agreements with Asia, Latin America and Europe to help stimulate the U.S. economy.

Rubio is considered a potential GOP presidential candidate in 2016.