
Lawmakers pay tribute to Rep. Ralph Hall

Members of the Texas congressional delegation gave a floor tribute Tuesday afternoon to departing Rep. Ralph Hall (R-Texas).

Hall was not present in the House chamber because he is still recovering from an October car accident.

{mosads}But Rep. Joe Barton (R-Texas) read aloud a statement from Hall: “It’s been a great honor and privilege to represent the good people of the fourth congressional district for the past 33 years. I thank them for their vote of confidence over the years for their wisdom and good ideas and for inspiring me to represent their views and their vision to the best of my ability.”

Colleagues described Hall’s sense of humor that frequently had them in stitches. Rep. Kay Granger (R-Texas) recalled a time when she arrived for an interview with the Dallas Morning News editorial board’s for an endorsement right after they spoke with Hall.

“I walked in and they were still laughing at his jokes,” Granger said.

“There’s no one that tells jokes better than Ralph Hall. He’s always got a story and he’s always got a joke,” Granger added. 

Lawmakers also recalled when Hall switched parties in 2004 after the GOP-controlled Texas legislature redrew his district.

Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-Texas), who said she’s known Hall since she was in the Texas state House, said his changed affiliation didn’t affect their relationship over the years.

“It never interfered with our relationship,” Johnson said. 

Hall, the oldest sitting member of Congress at the age of 91, lost his primary earlier this year. Rep.-elect John Ratcliffe (R-Texas) will fill his seat in January.