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Democrats Have a Comprehensive National Security Policy

No amount of Republican spin will hide the following: nearly five years after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, the bipartisan 9/11 Commission gave the Republican-controlled government 5 “F’s”, 12 “D’s”, and 2 “Incompletes” for poor progress in terrorism prevention and readiness. In fact, just this weekend, the Republican Chairman of the 9/11 Commission said “We’re not protecting our own people in this country. The government is not doing its job.” Clearly the Republicans have been spending more time on rhetoric than producing results, whether it comes to port security, airline screening, or capturing Osama Bin Laden.

Democrats, however, have been fighting for tough, comprehensive policies that will protect America and restore our leadership in the world. Our Real Security Agenda provides a framework of forward-looking policies that addresses all aspects of our national security, from our homeland security to our energy security, and is a central part of how we plan to lead American in a new direction.