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Stem Cell Research Does Not Have to Take Lives (Rep. Tim Walberg)

My initial entry into politics came as a member of a right-to-life organization in my home county of Lenawee, Michigan, and I am proud to say that during my 16 years in the Michigan House of Representatives, I established a 100% pro-life voting record.

I wholeheartedly support stem cell research in all cases except one — any form of research that requires the eradication of a human life.

The legislation considered by Congress today not only destroys human life and could ultimately lead to human cloning, but also is antiquated. Embryonic stem cell research has seen consistently disappointing and fruitless results, while nearly every month more studies come out showing that ethical adult stem cell research continues to flourish.

My wife and I were heartened to recently learn about developments in stem cells derived from amniotic fluid and placentas, as well as reprogrammed skin cells. It’s time for Congress to catch up with the remarkable, and ethical, developments taking place in the scientific community.

Taxpayers should not be expected to fund this research, especially when it continues to be legal in the private sector, though unsuccessful to date.

On behalf of the men and women of my district and pro-life Americans across our great country, I was proud to urge this Congress to cast a vote for both the sanctity of life and fiscal responsibility and oppose this bill.