The views expressed by contributors are their own and not the view of The Hill

It’s Time for You to Join the Debate

A spectacularly successful first year has established The Hill’s Congress Blog as a unique and uniquely popular forum in which members of Congress, trade associations and other stake holders can raise and debate important political and policy issues. More than 350 lawmakers are now posting on this blog, many of them frequently, having realized its extraordinary potential for getting their message out into the blogosphere. The fact that they’re contributing means that they are also reading the blog and paying attention to its content.

Which is where you come in.

The Hill is opening the site up to public comment. Until now, we have selected only a few outside comments and have published them in the newspaper. Now, we’re changing that. From now on we’ll publish outside comments within the blog itself, so visitors can take part in a genuine interactive debate online. We’ll continue to moderate comments, and won’t publish any that descend to vulgar abuse. But as most of you have something valuable to contribute to debate at The Hill’s Congress Blog, we welcome your input. Click on the “comment” link beneath any post you wish to discuss, and send us your views. We’ll read them and post them in the comments section. Which means it’s not merely one way traffic any more — now you can get your message to lawmakers.

Join us now.