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Berkeley Can Revel in Idiocy without Federal Funds (Rep. Ken Calvert)

The City of Berkeley has long been associated with the peace movement in the United States. However, recent actions taken by the Berkeley City Council prove their “love

In response to the outrageous and insulting actions taken by the City of Berkeley, I have signed onto a letter to President Bush asking him to immediately rescind funds appropriated to the City of Berkeley that were included in the Omnibus spending bill that was signed into law on December 26, 2007.  I have also signed on as a cosponsor to two bills, which would recognize the patriotic and professional men and women serving in the United States Marine Corps and would transfer all FY2008 federal funding included in the Omnibus, about $2.1 million, to the United States Marine Corps (H.R. 5222 and H. Res. 958).

It is shameful that City of Berkeley is so blinded by their rage that they forget the very people who have fought and died for the rights to freedom of speech and freedom of assembly.  The United States Marine Corps has a long and proud history of service to this nation and of helping people around the world.  The City of Berkeley may have thought they were making a brave stand against the Marines when in fact all they did was show their short-sighted ignorance about our military.  The City of Berkeley can revel in their idiocy and self-righteousness without the help of the federal government.