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A map to Rep. Murtha’s web of special interests

Rep. Jack Murtha (D-PA), whose history of questionable earmarks has earned him the moniker “King of Pork,” always takes care of the special interests in his district, for a price. That’s why yesterday, CREW posted, You Don’t Know Jack, an interactive graphic showing Rep. Murtha’s labyrinth of shady dealings involving defense contractors, lobbyists, family members, and friends – and a lot of money.

In his more than 30 years in Congress, Rep. Murtha has single handedly built an economy on pork barrel spending in his district by trading lucrative earmarks for generous campaign donations. As an example, witness the Showcase for Commerce aka “Murthafest”, an annual trade fair held in his district, connecting the lawmaker with defense contractors.

In 2008, he earmarked $192 million for entities in his district, and in the first half of 2009 he requested $134 million, including $75 million in defense spending.

CREW’s new interactive graphic will allow visitors to explore the crooked connections between the lawmaker and the numerous special interests.

CREW’s Executive Director Melanie Sloan said, “The more Rep. Murtha’s dealings are exposed, the more we all learn about how Congress really operates and the more disgusted the public becomes. CREW will continue to shine the light on Rep. Murtha until the congressman changes his ways or is indicted. I’d take a bet on which is the more likely outcome.”

CREW’s new graphic is just one part of the story. Rep. Murtha is a three time all-star on CREW’s Most Corrupt Members of Congress. Check out Rep. Murtha’s Most Corrupt profile to learn more about his unethical activities and what federal laws and House rules he may have violated.

You’ll be hearing a lot more about Murtha and his dealings over the next few months. As we learn about Rep. Murtha’s newest pay-to-play activities, CREW will expand You Don’t Know Jack, creating the most comprehensive site on Rep. Murtha’s unseemly activities to date.