
Spitzer Mistress Apologizes to Wife

Ashley Dupre, the prostitute linked with former New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer (D), said she feels bad for Spitzer’s wife, who stood by his side when he admitted his infidelity and resigned from office.

“I’m sorry for your pain,” Dupre said when asked by People magazine what she would say to Silda Spitzer. She added that she thinks Eliot Spitzer has been “punished enough.”

Dupre also offered more details about her work as a high-class escort.

“This wasn’t any different than going on a date with someone you barely knew and hooking up with them,” she said. “The only difference is I can pay my rent.”

She said she didn’t know that one of her clients was the New York governor, and that their encounters were fairly straightforward.

“Some guys, they want to have conversations and really get to know each other,” she said. “With him, it clearly was not like that. It was more of a transaction. Strictly business.”