
Digital TV Delay Goes to Obama’s Desk

The House of Representatives voted 264 to 158 on Wednesday to pass legislation delaying the mandated conversion to a nationwide digital TV signal until June 12. The president is expected to sign the measure soon.

The conversion was originally slated for Feb. 17. The government recently ran out of funding for the $40 coupons issued to help purchase converter boxes for analog TVs, and proponents of the switch had argued that millions of people, mostly the lower-income and the elderly, would be left unprepared.

President Obama had pushed for a delay during his transition, citing a lack of preparation on behalf of the government. The Senate unanimously voted last month for the delay, but House Republicans blocked the measure last week, as it failed to garner the required two-thirds majority vote to fast-track it to the White House.

The Senate had voted in favor again after the bill failed in the House last week, sending it back to the lower chamber for today’s second try.

Samuel Rubenfeld