News/Lawmaker News

Obama vows Iraq troop withdrawal

Speaking at Camp LeJeune, President Obama laid out his plans for Iraq. Bridget has the story and below are the highlights. Check out Obama’s full remarks as prepared for delivery after the jump.

Here are the highlights:

  • By August 31, 2010, all combat troops will be withdrawn

  • Between 35,000 and 50,000 troops left in Iraq at that point.

  • All troops out of Iraq by end of 2011.

  • “Sustained diplomacy” in the country, working with the U.N. to support national elections and improve local governments

  • Help for displaced Iraqis. “America has a strategic interest – and a moral responsibility – to act.”

  • Comprehensive American engagement across the region. “As we go forward the United states will pursue principled and sustained engagement with all of the nations in the region, and that will include Iran and Syria.”

Remarks of President Barack Obama