News/Lawmaker News

Chamber of Commerce too cozy with GOP lawmakers?

Perhaps only lending credence to Sen. Chuck Schumer’s (D-N.Y.) fall 2008 allegation that the Chamber of Commerce “has turned into a wing” of the GOP, the business group awarded its annual “Spirit of Enterprise” award to all but five Republican lawmakers and only 26 Democrats.

The Chamber handed out the award to 260 members of Congress for their votes matching the business group’s position during the second session of Congress last year.

Every Republican in Congress with the exception of Rep. Pete Sessions (Texas), Sen. Jon Kyl (Ariz.), Rep. Jeff Flake (Ariz.), Sen. Jim Inhofe (Okla.), and Jim DeMint (S.C.) received the award.

26 Democrats received the award, including now-Vice President Joe Biden and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (Nev.).

Rep. Robert Cramer (Ala.)
Sen. Blanche Lincoln (Ark.)
Sen. Mark Pryor (Ark.)
Sen. Joseph Lieberman (Conn.)
Sen. Joseph Biden (Del.)
Sen. Dan Inouye (Hawaii)
Rep. Melissa L. Bean (Ill.)
Rep. Joe Donnelly (Ind.)
Rep. Brad Ellsworth (Ind.)
Rep. Dennis Moore (Kan.)
Sen. Mary Landrieu (La.)
Rep. Charles Melancon (La.)
Sen. Claire McCaskill (Mo.)
Sen. Max Baucus (Mont.)
Sen. Ben Nelson (Neb.)
Sen. Harry Reid (Nev.)
Rep. Albio Sires (N.J.)
Rep. Tim Bishop (N.Y.)
Rep. Dan Boren (Okla.)
Sen. Tim Johnson (S.D.)
Rep. Jim Cooper (Tenn.)
Rep. John S. Tanner (Tenn.)
Rep. Nick Lampson (Texas)
Rep. Henry Cuellar (Texas)
Rep. Jim Matheson (Utah)
Rep. Ron Kind (Wisc.)