News/Lawmaker News

Kyl: Dems have ‘no right’ to demand Republican budget

Democrats have “no right” to ask Republicans to produce an alternative budget, the second-ranking Republican in the Senate said Tuesday.

“I have a different view than some of my colleagues, and I know that [Senate Minority Leader Mitch] McConnell (R-Ky.) has the same view that I do, and that is that producing a budget is the responsibility of the party in power,” Sen. Jon Kyl (R-Ariz.) told the conservative website Human Events. “And they have no right to ask the defeated party to produce a budget.”

Kyl rejected the risk of the GOP being tarred as the “Party of ‘No'” over refusing to offer a budget alternative, reasoning that providing a budget only fuels partisanship in the Senate.

“f you insist that we provide an alternative budget, you