News/Lawmaker News

POTUS goes for a stroll

After speaking to a group of about 400 airmen and women and their families at Nellis Air Force base outside of Las Vegas, President Obama decided to stretch his legs.

Instead of hopping into the waiting motorcade to take him to nearby Air Force One, the president opted to walk along the runway with Gen. Stanley Kreskge. The two men walked in the blazing Nevada heat, surrounded by a perimeter of Secret Service agents and the meandering, crucial parts of the motorcade.

The president, wearing a suit and sunglasses with his jacket slung over his shoulder, stopped along the way to examine an F-16 fighter jet.

Obama and his guest made the quarter of a mile distance to Air Force One in about 10 minutes.

The Hill boarded Air Force One for the short, bumpy flight to Los Angeles, where Obama is scheduled to attend his second fundraiser in as many days.

– Sam Youngman