News/Lawmaker News

Reid: Get used to working Mondays, Fridays

Harry Reid is warning his colleagues to expect a “very long, hard work period” this summer.

With Democrats hoping to pass healthcare and climate change before the August recess (climate change perhaps just in the House), Reid is preparing for a packed schedule.

Congress usually bears its heaviest load Tuesday through Thursday, since members often travel on Monday and Friday.

Not so much this summer.

But the Nevada Democrat said the Senate would work Monday through Friday from July 5 to Aug. 7, when Congress is scheduled to go on recess for the balance of the summer. The only day in the workweek that senators should not expect votes is July 17, he said.

Speaking of health care, Reid said “we cannot complete that most important legislation” working a more limited schedule. “Everyone’s on notice,” he said.

In remarks on the floor, Reid said is it unclear whether the Senate will act in July on the nomination of Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court, or whether the issue would “spill over until” to September. A decision will be made after conversations with Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, Reid said.