News/Campaigns/Economy & Budget

NBC chief Zucker calls Jon Stewart ‘unfair’ in CNBC treatment

Comedy Central’s Jon Stewart was unfair last week in his grilling of CNBC and host Jim Cramer, NBC Universal CEO Jeff Zucker said.

“I think Jon Stewart was incredibly unfair to CNBC and to business media in general,” Zucker said at the McGraw-Hill Media Summit.

“Everybody wants to find a scapegoat,” Zucker continued. “But to suggest that CNBC is responsible is absurd.”

Stewart took aim at the business news network after CNBC personality Rick Santelli cancelled an appearance on The Daily Show. A week’s worth of critical segments last week culminated in a grilling of “Mad Money” host Jim Cramer on the show last Thursday.

“Last year, Jim Cramer was out in front during two days in particular, when he went after Ben Bernanke,” Zucker explained in defense of the anchor. “You can