News/Campaigns/Economy & Budget

Solis says economy shows ‘glimmer of hope’

The economy is showing “glimmers of hope,” Labor Secretary Hilda Solis asserted Friday, but it is too soon to say whether the economy is on the road to recovery — or whether another stimulus package may be needed.

“All I can tell you is that we’re seeing some glimmer of hope,” Solis told Bloomberg News in an interview this morning. “I know that because of the transactions in the financing business — more transparencies there — that people will be able to have more credit available.”

But the uncertainty, Solid said, means it is also too early to decide on a second stimulus package.

“I still think it’s a bit too early to project that,” she said. “Because keep in mind we have the stimulus money that still hasn’t been rolled out.”

Solis also downplayed a question on the Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA), saying that she is “personally working on trying to stimulate the economy right now” when she was asked what she’d personally done to help pass the union legislation.

“While the president and I are committed to the Employee Free Choice Act,” she continued, “my focus right now is to make sure we get our funding out for job creation and job growth.”