
DCCC Takes Shot at Limbaugh in Fundraising Plea

The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) just sent out a e-mail to supporters that uses Rush Limbaugh’s attacks on President Obama to drum up money.

“Last week, Rush Limbaugh gave us a preview of the outrageous Republican attacks that are on the way against President Obama and every Democrat working for change. Rush actually said that he ‘hopes’ President Obama fails to meet America’s challenges,” DCCC executive director Brian Walsh writes in the fundraising plea sent out Monday afternoon.

Limbaugh has been criticized by the left and by some on the right for saying that he hopes Obama fails as president. Obama told Congressional Republicans last week that they can’t keep listening to Limbaugh and expect to get things done.

Read the DCCC’s entire anti-Rush e-mail below.

Dear Friend,

Last week, Rush Limbaugh gave us a preview of the outrageous Republican attacks that are on the way against President Obama and every Democrat working for change. Rush actually said that he ‘hopes’ President Obama fails to meet America’s challenges.

Listen to Rush in his own words, saying “I hope he fails.”

Limbaugh’s cheap shot at President Obama might be the first by the Republican attack machine this year but we know that it won’t be the last.

We need every grassroots Democrat to show Rush Limbaugh and all of the Republicans what they’re up against if they start attacking President Obama and Democrats who are working to end the failed GOP policies of the last eight years.

Tell Rush what you think of his attacks on President Obama. We’ll send him your comments.

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