
Conaway: Obama Is No Jesus Christ

Barack Obama “is no Jesus Christ,” Rep. Mike Conaway (R-Texas) said in a speech on the House floor yesterday, voicing personal offense at Rep. Steve Cohen’s (D-Tenn.) comparison of Obama to Jesus.

“In my time in politics, I never thought that I would hear any candidate for political office compared to Jesus Christ. Yet yesterday, on the floor of this House, one of my colleagues did just that when he painted the work of Barack Obama equal to the life of my savior,” Conaway said.

“Madam Speaker, I know Jesus Christ; Jesus Christ is a personal friend of mine. Senator Obama is no Jesus Christ.”

Cohen defended Obama Wednesday from GOP attacks over his experience as a community organizer, noting that Jesus too took on that role. Cohen says he regretted making the comment and denies that he was comparing Obama to Jesus.