
Kryzan up on Lee in DCCC Poll

A new poll from the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) shows Democratic candidate Alice Kryzan leads Republican Chris Lee, 39 percent to 29 percent in New York’s 26th Congressional District.

The poll, conducted September 15-17, shows a substantial 32 percent of voters as undecided. The survey of 400 voters has a 4.9 percent margin of error.

Kryzan upset DCCC-backed Jon Powers earlier this month in the district’s Democratic primary, and has since garnered significant backing from the DCCC, as well as an endorsement from the pro-choice EMILY’s List.

“This poll shows that just 42 days before Election Day, Alice Kryzan is in good position to win,” DCCC spokeswoman Carrie James said. “Alice Kryzan has the independence and integrity to represent Western New York in Congress and this poll shows a clear path to victory.”

“The poll is dead wrong, just like Alice Kryzan’s liberal positions on wanting to raise taxes on Western New Yorkers,” said Lee campaign spokeswoman Andrea Bozek. “It is clear the Democrats are scrambling to make up for their serious miscalculation in the primary.”

Lee and Kryzan are running to replace retiring Rep. Tom Reynolds (R) in the suburban Buffalo district.

Michael O’Brien