
Independence Party Backs Lee Over Kryzan

New York’s Independence Party backed Republican Chris Lee in the state’s 26th Congressional District today, potentially aiding Republicans’ efforts to hold onto the seat this fall.

“I am honored to have the endorsement of New York State’s Independence Party,” Lee said in a release touting the endorsement. “I greatly appreciate their support in this election.”

A Lee spokeswoman pointed out Thursday afternoon that an Independence Party endorsement can mean three to five points in extra support, with Reynolds (who was endorsed by the party in 2004) receiving and extra 3.3 percent, and Jack Davis, a Democrat who was also endorsed by the Independence Party, getting an extra 4.4 percent.

Lee faces Democrat Alice Kryzan in the general election, who upset the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC)-backed Jon Powers in the primary. Since then, Kryzan has drawn endorsements from both the DCCC and the pro-choice EMILY’s List.

A DCCC-sponsored poll showed Kryzan leading 39 percent to 29 percent earlier this week, with 32 percent undecided and a 4.9 percent margin of error.

Michael O’Brien