
Internal Poll to Show McConnell up Nine Percentage Points

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell’s (R-Ky.) re-election team will release the results of an internal poll Thursday afternoon showing the senator with a 47 percent to 38 percent lead over Democratic challenger Bruce Lunsford, according to McConnell’s campaign.

The poll, conducted Oct. 5-8 by Voter/Consumer Research, surveyed 800 Kentuckians and comes on the heels of several recent polls that show smaller leads for McConnell. A SurveyUSA poll of 672 likely voters, conducted Sept. 21 and 22, found McConnell over Lunsford by a 49-46 percent total, but a Mason-Dixon poll of 717 likely voters from Sept. 22 to 25 found McConnell only up by one percent, 45 to 44 percent.

A RealClearPolitics average finds McConnell up by 6.5 percent, 48.8 percent to 42.3 percent.

J. Taylor Rushing