
McCain Recruits More Joe-the-Plumbers

John McCain is recruiting more Joe-the-Plumbers to feature in his campaign.

McCain’s campaign sent an e-mail to supporters today asking them to create 30-second videos explaining why they are “Joe the Plumber.” Videos could end up in 30-second McCain campaign TV ads, according to the e-mail.

Referencing original “Joe the Plumber”–Joe Wurzelbacher of Toledo, Ohio–the McCain e-mail tells supporters that “there is no doubt that John McCain and Sarah Palin stand firmly on the side of hardworking ‘everyday Joes’ who understand the value of honest work and the American Dream.”

“That’s why we want to hear from you and share your story with the American public. It’s simple … make an ad telling us why you are “Joe the Plumber” in 30 seconds and we’ll put the best ad on the air as a TV ad,” the campaign wrote.