
NYT Endorses Gotham-Area Dems for House, Plus Shays and Lance

The New York Times endorsed mostly Democrats in Gotham-area congressional races.

In the race to succeed Rep. Vito Fossella (R-N.Y.), the Times backed City Councilman Michael McMahon (D) over Republican Robert Straniere. Fossella (R) chose not to seek reelection after being arrested for drunk driving and embroiled in a sex scandal.

“If there were a prize for the most bizarre federal race this year, it would go to the campaign in Staten Island,” the Times’ editorial board wrote.

In Connecticut, the newspaper backed Reps. Christopher Shays (R), Chris Murphy (D) and Joe Courtney (D).

Shays, the only survivor of a Democratic sweep two years ago, is being challenged by former Goldman Sachs executive Jim Himes. Freshmen Murphy and Courtney face, respectively, state Sen. David Cappiello (R) and former Navy officer Sean Sullivan (R).

In New Jersey, the Times endorsed state Sen. John Adler (D), rabbi and psychologist Dennis Shulman (D) and state Sen. Leonard Lance (R) in three hotly contested House races.

Adler faces Medford Township Mayor Chris Myers (R) for the seat being vacated by retiring Rep. Jim Saxton (R), Shulman seeks to oust Rep. Scott Garrett (R) and Lance is running against Assemblywoman Linda Stender (D) for the seat of retiring Rep. Mike Ferguson (R).

The Times also endorsed Democratic Sen. Frank Lautenberg over his GOP opponent, former Rep. Dick Zimmer.

The endorsements appeared in Saturday’s newspaper.

Jeffrey Young