
McCain: Biden Had It Right with “Test” Comment

Sen. Joe Biden (D-Del.) had it right when he said that a President Barack Obama would soon be tested by an international crisis, John McCain said today on CNBC.

“Senator Biden had it right. This is an untested individual who has been wrong on the things he’s been tested about,” McCain told CNBC’s Maria Bartilomo in a live interview today.

The McCain camp has used Biden’s comment, made at a Seattle funraiser Oct. 19, to depict Obama as inexperienced and unready to serve as commander in chief. After the comment was reported, McCain has repeatedly said that “we don’t want a president who invites testing” from America’s enemies, and the campaign has featured Biden’s comment in a TV ad.

McCain also said that he “couldn’t have said it myself first” because of potential backlash.

“If [Alaska Gov.] Sarah [Palin (R)] or I had said that, can you imagine the reacion? Scaring Americans, etc.,” McCain said. “So I agree with Joe Biden. I couldn’t have said it myself first, but he’s right.”