
Ga. GOP Chairwoman Anticipates Senate Recount Despite Slim Chambliss Lead

Sen. Saxby Chambliss (R) may avoid a runoff election in Georgia’s Senate race, maintaining a total slightly above the needed 50 percent with few precincts left to report.

According to CBS News, with 99 percent of precincts reporting, Chambliss had 50.3 percent of the votes in the race. With 40 precincts left to report, a swing of roughly 10,000 votes in the race would force a runoff election between Chambliss and Democratic opponent Jim Martin.

Georgia Republican Chairwoman Sue Everhart said she anticipated a runoff in the race as Chambliss’s vote total dropped slightly under 50 percent in the race yesterday, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported.

Libertarian Party candidate Allen Buckley took four percent of the vote in the race.

Michael O’Brien