
Bunning Vulnerable to 2010 Challenge?

Following a close Senate race in Kentucky for Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R) this election cycle, his colleague Sen. Jim Bunning may face a similarly difficult challenge, a new independent poll showed Tuesday.

43 percent of Kentucky voters said they approved of the way Bunning has handled his job in a SurveyUSA poll released Tuesday, well below the typical 50 percent threshold considered necessary for incumbents. 44 percent of Kentuckians said they disapproved of his job performance, while 13 percent said they were unsure.

The poll numbers could suggest a tough reelection race for Bunning, who beat Democrat Daniel Mongairdo 51-49 percent in his 2004 reelection. McConnell also faced a difficult race this year, knocking off Democrat Bruch Lunsford in 53-47 percent.

Bunning has said he intends to run for reelection.

The poll, conducted November 21-24 for local television stations, has a 4.1 percent margin of errors.