
Franken Lawyer: Coleman Living on a ‘Flat Earth’

Democrat Al Franken’s campaign sought to undercut Sen. Norm Coleman’s (R) challenge to Minnesota’s Senate race, calling Coleman’s campaign “charter members of the Flat Earth Society.”

Franken attorney Marc Elias, particularly animated during a conference call Monday, slammed Coleman’s campaign for allegedly shifting arguments during the ongoing challenge to Franken’s 225-vote lead certified earlier this month by the state’s Board of Canvassers

“Though they claim that their lawsuit to overturn election results is about counting every vote, they are seeking to disenfranchise Minnesota voters,” Elias said after listing off the race’s long series of developments.

During the call, Elias repeatedly called Coleman’s campaign “members of the Flat Earth Society,” in reference to an organization founded in the 1950s that insists the earth is, in fact, flat, despite evidence to the contrary.

“In spite of Marc Elias