
Hodes Announces Run to Replace Gregg

Rep. Paul Hodes (D-N.H.) officially announced Wednesday that he would run in 2010 for the open Senate seat being left by Commerce Secretary-designate Judd Gregg (R).

Gregg was appointed to the post by President Obama on Tuesday, and those close to Hodes signaled that his campaign for Senate would begin shortly thereafter.

Hodes confirmed it Wednesday.

“I want to continue my service to the people of New Hampshire and continue to stand up for middle-class families,” Hodes said in a written statement, according to WMUR-TV.

Hodes could face his House colleague, Rep. Carol Shea-Porter (D-N.H.), in a primary, or the man he beat, former Rep. Charlie Bass (R-N.H.), in the general election. Another Republican frequently mentioned is former Sen. John Sununu, who was defeated in his first reelection bid in November.

Former Gregg Chief of Staff Bonnie Newman (R) was named Gregg